Katherine Rooseleer is a filmmaker based in Brussels, Belgium, whose work spans both personal projects and commercial endeavors. Her creative journey across different disciplines brings an open-minded perspective and a fresh approach to her filmmaking.

After graduating from LUCA School of Arts in Brussels in 2012 with a degree in design and art direction, Katherine worked as an art director for several prominent European creative agencies before shifting her focus to film.

Her relationship with moving image is deeply personal, stretching back to her formative years. Katherine weaves time as a tactile medium, using lens-based methodologies to deconstruct and reimagine reality. Each project is a fresh perspective—an invitation to perceive the world anew.

Katherine Rooseleer is a filmmaker based in Brussels, Belgium, whose work spans both personal projects and commercial endeavors. Her creative journey across different disciplines brings an open-minded perspective and a fresh approach to her filmmaking.

After graduating from LUCA School of Arts in Brussels in 2012 with a degree in design and art direction, Katherine worked as an art director for several prominent European creative agencies before shifting her focus to film.

Her relationship with moving image is deeply personal, stretching back to her formative years. Katherine weaves time as a tactile medium, using lens-based methodologies to deconstruct and reimagine reality. Each project is a fresh perspective—an invitation to perceive the world anew.

Katherine Rooseleer is a filmmaker based in Brussels, Belgium, whose work spans both personal projects and commercial endeavors. Her creative journey across different disciplines brings an open-minded perspective and a fresh approach to her filmmaking.

After graduating from LUCA School of Arts in Brussels in 2012 with a degree in design and art direction, Katherine worked as an art director for several prominent European creative agencies before shifting her focus to film.

Her relationship with moving image is deeply personal, stretching back to her formative years. Katherine weaves time as a tactile medium, using lens-based methodologies to deconstruct and reimagine reality. Each project is a fresh perspective—an invitation to perceive the world anew.

Katherine Rooseleer is a filmmaker based in Brussels, Belgium, whose work spans both personal projects and commercial endeavors. Her creative journey across different disciplines brings an open-minded perspective and a fresh approach to her filmmaking.

After graduating from LUCA School of Arts in Brussels in 2012 with a degree in design and art direction, Katherine worked as an art director for several prominent European creative agencies before shifting her focus to film.

Her relationship with the moving image is deeply personal, stretching back to her formative years. Katherine weaves time as a tactile medium, using lens-based methodologies to deconstruct and reimagine reality. Each project is a fresh perspective—an invitation to perceive the world anew.

Katherine Rooseleer is a filmmaker based in Brussels, Belgium, whose work spans both personal projects and commercial endeavors. Her creative journey across different disciplines brings an open-minded perspective and a fresh approach to her filmmaking.

After graduating from LUCA School of Arts in Brussels in 2012 with a degree in design and art direction, Katherine worked as an art director for several prominent European creative agencies before shifting her focus to film.

Her relationship with the moving image is deeply personal, stretching back to her formative years. Katherine weaves time as a tactile medium, using lens-based methodologies to deconstruct and reimagine reality. Each project is a fresh perspective—an invitation to perceive the world anew.






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